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Dear Community Members:

On June 23, 2011 the Governor signed legislation for energy retrofits in school districts - - the legislation was called the Cool Schools Bill. Dallas School District was asked to participate in the ceremonial signing of the bill at a press conference. It was a chance to highlight the energy projects we've completed in our school district, promote two Dallas area local contractors and share the energy savings we have seen as a result of our projects. 

The energy projects were funded through a combination of Bond dollars, federal stimulus dollars through the American's Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA), Energy Trust dollars and money allocated from our Pacific Power bills specifically for energy projects.

Since 2007 Dallas School District has completed the following upgrades:

  • Lighting Upgrades at all schools and the District Office

  • New energy efficient boilers at Lyle Elementary School, Whitworth Elementary School, LaCreole Middle School, Dallas High School, Morrison/District Office

  • Supervisory Direct Digital Control (DDC) Systems on all new boilers

  • Steam Trap Replacement at all sites with new boilers

  • Full DDC Controls (control out to the classroom) at Lyle, Whitworth, Oakdale and LaCreole Middle School

  • Domestic Hot Water Heater Replacement at LaCreole Middle School and Dallas High School

  • Window replacement at Lyle and in progress at Morrison/District Office

  • Lighting retrofit and upgrade at LaCreole, Dallas High School and District Office (elementary buildings were completed previously)

  • Insulation upgrades to roofing projects at LaCreole Middle School


Many of the projects were essential because of aging and failing equipment, but the energy savings have been an exciting benefit to the work. As a result of these projects:

  • Overall the energy used by Dallas SD has decreased by 21 percent to date since the projects started.

  • Dallas SD’s electricity rates have increased by approximately 46 percent since 2007. Without the energy upgrades, Dallas School District would have spent almost $59,000 more than we actually spent this year on our electric bill.

  • We are using about 25 percent less natural gas, district-wide, as a result of installing new efficient boilers and building control systems. In the 2011-12 budget, we have reduced our proposed budget for nature gas by $93,000. For us this equates to saving a minimum of one teaching position.

Two Dallas local contractors Forbes Plumbing and DC Electric were able to share the impact these projects have made locally in their business. Both expressed appreciation for the commitment Dallas School District made to hire local contractors. Both Justin from DC Electric and Sean from Forbes Plumbing shared that they were able to bring employees on unemployment back to work in our community.

Christy Perry
Past Superintendent









Dallas School District #2

111 SW Ash St.

Dallas, Oregon 97338


Reception Office Hours



​Tel: 503-623-5594

​Fax: 503-623-5597


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