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Oakdale Heights


Mission Statement


It is our mission to effectively educate all students to achieve high levels of academic performance and foster a positive school experience.




Staff and parents supporting all students' learning styles, by instilling ownership in all aspects of their learning environment. 




  • Social-emotional well-being and self-regulation

  • Building Confidence

  • Creativity

  • Enjoyment of Learning


Parent Involvement


Parents count!  Come to school, meet us, talk to us, attend PTC meetings, and volunteer your time and energy.  Your involvement will show your children that you value their education.  We look forward to working with you this year. 


S.M.A.R.T  (Start Making a Reader Today)

The SMART Reading program helps kids become confident readers by providing individual volunteer attention and new, takehome books.  The student reads to an adult mentor for 30 minutes once or twice a week to improve reading fluency and comprehension.  If you would like to volunteer with SMART and support the students here at Oakdale, please click on the link and complete the online application.  

T.E.A.M Time (Together Everyone Achieves More)

Students in grades K through 3 meet from 8:00am-8:15pm on Mondays for fitness and movement activities.  What a great way to start the day!

Academic Interventions

Each student, grades K through 3 are assessed in the areas of reading, writing and math.  We use these assesssments to identify the individual needs of students.  Student needs are then discussed in grade level Professional Learning Communitities (PLC) on a monthly basis.  From these student interventions Tiers are put in place to support those needs of students.   The first Tier of Interventions takes place in the classroom and provided by teachers and support staff.  The second and third Tier of support is provided in a pullout model and is provided by a reading specialist and other support staff.  This is an additional layer of support for students.  

Behavioral Interventions

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support: PBIS

PBIS is a school-wide initiative to help build capacity for identifying, adapting and sustaining effective disciplinary practices.  We emphasize school safety, being respectful and being responsible.  During the school year we look for students who are being safe, respectful and responsible and find ways to encourage these bewhaviors.  

To support our PBIS initiative, our school counselor goes into class once a week to teach lessons on respectful and responsible behavior, as well as teachers teaching lessons to support the desired student outcomes. 

District TAG Plan

Special Programs

Supporting Students

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