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District Federal Programs

Oakdale Heights Elementary

Lyle Elementary

Whitworth Elementary

LaCreole Middle School

Dallas High School  
Autymn Galbraith  

Heidi Totten

Liz Postlewait

Reed Langdon

Darrick Bruns

Hillary Combs

Debra Middleton, Dennis Misner,
Natalie Pope

The Americans with Disabilities Act, often referred to as Section 504, requires Dallas School District to make accommodations to meet the needs of individuals with "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual." The needs of such an individual can typically be met through modifications and accommodations in the environment and do not require special instruction.


When a student is suspected of having a disability that interferes with receiving an education a referral should be made to the Student Support Team. (SST). The SST team makes determination and if needed, a referral is made to the building 504 coordinator.


Specific procedural requirements include the following:


  • Eligibility established by Team consensus;

  • Annual Review of the 504 Accommodation Plan

  • The classroom teacher is responsible for providing accommodations and modifications identified in the 504 Accommodation Plan

  • Reevaluation occurs at least once every three years.

Senate Bill 819 and what it means to your child experiencing disability

The Dallas School District would like you to know about a new law, Senate Bill 819, that affects some students experiencing disabilities.  This law changes how schools may use "abbreviated school day programs." An abbreviated school day is defined as any program is which a student receives instruction or educational services for fewer hours than the majority of other students in the same grade. 

Oregon Department of Education (ODE), Oregon's state education agency

FACT Oregon, Oregon's Parent Information and Training Center for Families with Children with Disabilities

Disability Rights Oregon (DRO), Oregon's disability protection and advocacy agency

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