Why is the proposed bond measure being referred to voters?
Dallas School District buildings were constructed between 1935 and 1974, making the oldest building 87 years old and the youngest 48 years old. The schools are experiencing educational changes resulting from state mandates, new educational standards, technology access requirements, instructional requirements, and changing student demographics. If passed, the Dallas School bond would fund the following projects. If the bond measure does not pass the following projects would not be completed.
Vocational, Career, Technical Education Programs at Dallas High School Repurpose existing instructional spaces to allow for upgrades and expansion of vocational, career and technical education programs including culinary/hospitality, construction, business, education, digital media/computer science, robotics and health sciences.
Maintenance Upgrades and Capital Repairs Upgrade HVAC systems to improve air quality. Upgrade or replace aging plumbing, mechanical and electrical systems, and repair interior and exterior finishes to preserve integrity of buildings throughout the district. Upgrade the kitchen and serving area at LaCreole Middle School to support meal service for students. Replace roofs and make dry rot repairs throughout the district. Make accessibility upgrades to entrances, restrooms, and walkways to ensure all students, staff and community members can have access to public buildings.
Access to Campuses Add secure vestibule entrances and install programmable keyless entry systems throughout the district; update fire alarm systems; install security cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring, and update campus communication broadcast systems.
Update Instructional Spaces Construct and upgrade instructional spaces and specialized rooms throughout the district for equitable educational access by students. Construct an additional gymnasium at LaCreole Middle School to meet new physical education requirements, to support special education programs and other specialized needs in the school.
Upgrade Technology Infrastructure Replace aging networking infrastructure throughout the district, including Wi-Fi wiring and cabling, to allow all students in the district equitable access to technology.
The Dallas School District total general fund budget for the 2021-22 school year is $40,612,334. The majority of this operational budget covers the cost of all employees, support services, instruction, curriculum, supplies and equipment. Within this annual budget is $3 million for custodial/ maintenance employee costs, facility upkeep, utility costs, grounds keeping, repairs and maintenance. The available revenue in the school district annual budget is insufficient to complete the capital projects proposed in this bond measure. If passed, the Dallas School bond would fund the proposed capital projects. If the bond measure does not pass the proposed capital projects would not be completed.