Director: Todd Baughman
Dallas, Oregon 97338
Title I Instructional Specialists:
Carolyn Davis, Whitworth Elementary School
Heather Anderson, Oakdale Heights Elementary School
Elaine Dunbar, Lyle Elementary School
Title I is the largest federal program for our nation’s schools. Its goal is to provide extra help and instruction in core content areas, especially reading and math, for students who perform below grade level.
Funding and Accountability
The federal government grants Title I funds to states based on the number of residents with incomes below the federal poverty level. The state in turn allocates funds to districts on the same basis. Districts use Title I funds to provide supplemental assistance to students in schools where at least 35% of the students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Of Dallas School District’s three elementary schools, all three: Oakdale Heights, Whitworth, and Lyle are eligible for Title I money, which they use to fund schoolwide programs to help all students who are struggling in reading or math. About half of the students at each of these schools receive free or reduced-price meals.
Title I funds are used for salaries, supplies and equipment necessary to implement the Title I program, professional development, and parent activities and resources.
The federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that all school that receive Title I funds must be able to demonstrate that students are making academic progress, as measured by results on the Oregon State Assessment tests. Progress is measured for minority populations, English Language Learners, special education students, and students in poverty, as well as for the student population as a whole.
Parent Involvement
Research informs us that students whose parents are involved in their education generally do better academically than those whose parents are disengaged. Therefore, parent involvement is a critical part of the Title I program, and the schools do all they can to encourage parents to participate in their children’s education. Parent and family activities are held periodically throughout the year so that parents may gain more ideas about how to work with their children to support their learning at home. One very popular program is “Partners in Print,” which teaches parents techniques to help their students become better readers. Title I also provides parent resource libraries at Oakdale Heights, Whitworth, and Lyle Elementary Schools. Call your school office for further information.